Bad habits unsuccessful people have

May 18, 2022


People really like reading articles about what successful and unsuccessful people do so I decided to contribute to this “type of literature”.

But how can we classify people in: successful and unsuccessful. What are the criteria used to do this?

I would simply say that comparing their daily routine/habits would be a good way to start.

Every successful person was once unsuccessful, so there is hope for everyone. No one was born perfect but we owe it to ourselves to become more. How my mentors like to say: try GROWING through life, not GOING through life.

So, here is a list of things I've seen unsuccessful people tend to do. Does any of those sounds familiar?


They either have the habit of letting things pass by and small talking about any possible opportunity, either leaving issues unresolved hoping they will just go away. Instead they find themselves having even bigger issues.

2….Self pity

I sometimes find myself talking to people who in a way or another pity themselves and are cry-babies. Nothing is going well, the don’t have enough money, no one things of them, they have no friends, and many others. Not only do I not encourage them but most often look at them with a straight face not encouraging them to continue. As you probably know by now, or should know by know: we have more of what we talk about. Talking about issues will only tell your brain to search for even more issues and so on. You get the point.


Probably the worst there is. Not only do they not learn from their mistakes or try harder, but they prefer discrediting other people for their success or even blaming them for their failures. This kind of behaviour and associated feelings rarely leads to anything good.

4….Loosing time

A lot of us are very very good at doing this. Even without knowing we find ourselves spending 45 minutes on Facebook when we only wanted to read one article. Internet it’s like “The RING”. The more you play with it the more you want and need it. Try switching the mouse and keyboard with a book from time to time. Switching 50% of the time you spend online to reading could just transform your life

5….Finding excuse

This one is by far their favorite. Will all know that if you really want to do something you find a way and if not you will surely find an excuse. Well, we got damn good at the second part, unfortunately. Whenever there is something to do, we find a way around to avoid getting our hands dirty. The problem is that it created addiction which can transform in a lifestyle, a purely lifestyle. If you know you are doing this, do something to change this, NOW.
There would be a lot more things to enumerate but I found two interesting articles which you can read if interested:

10 things unsuccessful people never stop doing

Successful people vs Unsuccessful people

Hopefully this article got you at least thinking about bad habits so you can now consciously avoid them.

Remember, it’s better to GROW through life than GO through life.

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